Member-only story
Stop hunting for hashtags. Here they are.
Welcome to the treasure trove of Higher Education Twitter hashtags
Always searching for the trendy hashtag that will make your institution’s content “go viral?” Waking in the middle of the night wondering if you’ve missed big news? Discovering endless threads of discussion you didn’t know existed?
Well, by golly! You’ve come to the right place.
Cheesiness aside, if your job description includes digital marketing, public relations, social media, or communications, you know it’s challenging to keep up with an ever-changing social media.

The expectations for your institution to remain relevant, contribute to thoughtful discussion, and avoid self-tackling by creating a crisis are real.
These expectations are stress inducing and daunting for the team members in charge.
I hear you. I empathize. And thus, I share with you a treasure trove of hashtags that can help you stay “in the know” within Higher Education and insert your content in discussions that actually make sense strategically.